Pre-War Prescott - 15 July 2023

This event was hosted by the Vintage Minor Register and open to all Edwardian, Vintage and Pre-War cars.

Two Singers stood out among a sea of Morris, MGs, Alvis, Rileys and other pre-war cars - a newly restored 1935 1½ Litre Le Mans and a 1933 9 Sports. Both owners took the opportunity of driving their cars up the historic speed hill climb - a challenging course incorporating short straights, fast and slow corners and a breathtaking hairpin - and great fun!

On the Sunday there was a Navigation Rally in the beautiful Gloucestershire countryside with a lunch stop at Coughton Court and the finish at the outstanding Jacobean Stanway House, courtesy of Lord Wemyss. The weekend concluded with a private demonstration of the fabulous 300-foot gravity fountain. A really worthwhile and friendly event!

Brooklands Best of British Day - 7 May 2023

On a wave of patriotic fervour following the Coronation, Brooklands Museum held their Best of British Day on 7 May.

Singers were well represented across the range with a 1926 10/26, a 1927 14/34, two 9 Sports, a B37, several Roadsters and two Gazelles - a convertible and an Arrow model. The highlight for several members was going up Test Hill - not to be missed if you have the opportunity.

Visit to Sowerby Coachworks & Veneering - 8 June 2023

Stephen Sowerby, a Club member with a Singer Junior, hosted a fascinating and informative visit to his workshops in Wiltshire.

His speciality is ash framing - both repairs to existing frames and new frames - and we were able to see his skills and professionalism at first hand. More recently he has added the re-veneering and polishing of dashboards and other internal woodwork to his services.

We hope to visit again when work on his Singer Junior is underway - it will certainly require significant work to the body - though it's definitely in the right place for that!

Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show 2022

Another successful show for the Club with a stand celebrating the 90th anniversary of the launch of the Singer 9. Thanks must go to everyone who brought their car to display, helped on the stand or just visited. It was a very busy three days.

Two more podcasts by Becca Treston here, this time talking to George Taylor and Sandy Dalgarno at the 2022 NEC Classic Motor Show.

Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show 2019

The Singer Owners’ Club again had a great display at the traditional end of season Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show at the NEC. Approximately 71000 visitors attended over the three days which made for a very busy time for those members manning the stand (ladies included of course). The focus of the stand was very much on the 80th anniversary of the launch of the Singer Roadster with a specially built chassis with part of its wooden frame creating considerable interest. Alongside were superb examples of a 4A and a 4AD Roadster.

Additionally there was a 1935 1½ Litre Le Mans and what is probably the fastest ever Singer the Spikins Bantam, the supercharged special built in 1935 that lapped the Brooklands outer circuit at 104mph.

A tremendous amount of effort went into creating the stand and preparing the display cars and it was very pleasing that so many members visited from all parts of the UK and Europe.

50th Singer National Weekend 2018

The 50th Singer National Weekend was based at the Mitchell Hall Hotel on the Cranfield University Campus. The Friday route taking everyone to Wrest Park and the Shuttleworth Collection and the Saturday Route to the Stockwood Discovery Centre via Dunstable Downs. 180 members and friends from many parts of the world were present at the Gala Dinner on Saturday evening including the Club’s founder Keith McDowall CBE.

110 Singer vehicles along with ten Singer cycles and one motorcycle were on display at Woburn Abbey for the 50th Singer National Day. All major Singer models were well represented including 15 9HP Le Mans, 16 9HP Sports, 18 Roadsters, 13 Gazelles and 5 Vogues and all supported by 15 other marques including 5 HRGs. A full report will be in the July/August magazine.

Isle of Man Rally 2017

Following on from Singer National Weekend 20 cars and crews set off for 5 days on the Isle of Man with the most challenging part being the route to the ferry terminal in Liverpool. After a brief delay and a smooth crossing a short drive took us around the coast to our hotel on the promenade at Ramsey. The following day after a fine demonstration that the 1912 motorcycle really did work, most members set off in excellent weather to drive around the TT course. The 37 miles took a little longer than the 16 or so minutes that the motorcycles take and of course we had to obey the traffic lights etc!

Three days of excellent motoring and weather followed with members also taking to the many small trains that run on the Island. The new motor museum at Jurby proved a popular stop as did the old transport museum and for a beautiful but challenging drive it had to be the Tholt-y-Will glen and hill climb.

The rally culminated with all 40 members gathering in a local bistro to celebrate the 80th birthday of George and Jacki Turner’s Singer 9 Sports. All too soon we were back on the ferry and back to the real world-what a great place and a great event!

Singer National Weekend 2017

Singer National Weekend 2017 moved north to Warrington between Manchester and Liverpool and was based at the Park Royal Hotel. About 40 cars set off on Friday firstly to the Lion Salt Works where everyone was educated about salt manufacturing in Cheshire and then on to Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre. Nearly 80 members enjoyed an excellent evening meal at Antrobus Golf Club. Saturday’s route went to the (not so) Secret Bunker at Hack Green and then to Bunbury Water Mill and back to the hotel through Delamere Forest, 70 very enjoyable miles. 120 members and guests enjoyed the traditional Saturday dinner with great entertainment by magician Pete Moran.

Singer National Day was held at the magnificent Arley Hall and Gardens. Nearly 80 vehicles were assembled in front of the Hall. Mention must be made of Rudi Arends who brought his 1912 motorcycle from Holland in his specially converted Roadster. In fact Roadsters dominated this year with 14 in the line-up but most models were well represented and to see three 1930s vans together was definitely a first. Awards were presented by Simon Granger from ‘Coronation Street’ with the Masters classes being won by a 1937 B37 and a 1964 Vogue Mk III.

2018 will see the 50th Singer National Weekend to be held in Bedfordshire over the weekend of 15th, 16th, and 17th of June, a not to be missed Singer Owners’ Club event. Please put it in your diary now!

Kimbolton Classic Car Show July 2014

A very enjoyable show with lots going on all the time and an excellent turn out by 13 Singer Owners with cars from the 20's to the 70's. Particularly well represented were the Gazelles and 9 Sports but it was also good to see 2 Chamois.

60th Anniversary 'Founders Day' March 2011

An appropriate number of 60 members attended the 60th Anniversary lunch at the Salisbury Arms in Hertford where the first meeting of the Singer Owners' Club was held on March 4th 1951. About 20 Singer cars were present, some had been at the first meeting and the Club's founder Keith McDowall CBE gave a speech describing how the first meeting came about.

Le Mans Classic 2008

30 cars including 24 Singer Le Mans (4 of whom had actually raced at Le Mans) gathered at Le Mans in July for the Le Mans Classic, 24 hours of racing for cars that either took part in the 24 hour races between 1923 and 1987 or cars that are identical to those that took part. The Singers were mainly from the UK but included a number from Holland and France. The Le Mans Classic is held every two years and has become a magnet for Le Mans enthusiasts, over 400 cars took part in the races with 1000 drivers and over 6000 cars on display in the club area. 57 Marques were represented in club displays on the Bugatti Circuit and the Singer Owners' Club received the award for the best display. The Jacque Savoye Singer which competed at Le Mans four times and won the 1 litre Class in 1938 was given a special award for being the most original race car on display and this from a specially selected 24 cars in the 'Heritage Club'.

Commodore on the Broads

At the 2007 Singer National Weekend, Sunday morning took everyone to the Waveney River Centre where over 70 cars and bicycles were displayed overlooking the small marina. The only Singer Commodore was launched and showed that even at 70 years of age this superb looking craft still has an excellent turn of speed even if it does have a tendency to leak!

A full report was in the 2007 July/August edition of the "Singer Owner"