Privacy Policy of the Singer Owners’ Club Ltd in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018.

1. General

  1. This privacy policy sets out how the Singer Owners’ Club Ltd (SOC) collects, uses and protects any personal information that you give us. Data that you provide to the Club by which you can be identified will only be used in accordance with this policy.

  2. The lawful basis for the collection and use of personal information is Legitimate Interests as defined in the GDPR.

  3. The data protection officer for the SOC is the Secretary.

2. Membership System

  1. To provide the services you require only the personal information you provide in the online registration page or the paper membership form is recorded electronically in a membership system provided by

  2. records the personal information for operation of the membership system and processing payments.

  3. and the SOC do not hold or have access to any bank or credit/debit card details you provide for subscription payment as these are processed by PayPal or GoCardless.

  4. The full membership system is only accessible to the Secretary, the Membership Secretaries and the Treasurer. (For SingerFlash see below).

  5. For day to day use the personal information is exported from the system as an Excel spreadsheet known as the SOC database.

  6. The SOC does not make public its membership list but does from time to time use extracts from the SOC database in the interests of the Club and its members e.g. car details and part of an address as a means of introducing new members to the membership through the Club’s magazine.

  7. The SOC database in full or part is available to all Officials and Registrars of the SOC as listed in the ‘Singer Owner’ to enable them to carry out their tasks.

  8. Young Persons membership is available for those aged under 17 but requires the written approval of a Parent or Guardian.

  9. The personal information of under 17s is only used for magazine mailing and is not made available for any other purpose.

  10. From time to time and at the discretion of the Secretary the SOC database in full or part might be made available to an Area Contact or Member e.g. when organising an event on the Club’s behalf. The specific database will be deleted on completion of the task.

  11. Information from the database is not passed on to a third party unless permission is first obtained from the member concerned.

  12. If you joined the SOC online through the Club’s website or had an email address registered with the Club when the system was introduced in February 2017 you have access to all your personal information that the Club holds and you can update, correct or delete any part of it at any time via your registration page.

  13. The personal information of members not on email is also held in the system. Members can request sight of their information that can be updated, corrected or any part deleted by contacting the Membership Secretaries by post or telephone.

  14. On leaving the SOC by notifying the Secretary or Membership Secretaries or by not renewing or non-payment of the subscription your personal information is removed from the database.

  15. On leaving the SOC your personal information is archived for the sole purpose of tracing vehicle histories which is considered an important part of the service provided by the SOC. This information is not passed on to a third party unless permission is first obtained from the person or persons concerned.

3. SingerFlash

  1. SingerFlash is an email service provided by the SOC whereby information concerning vehicles for sale or wanted or parts or events or any Singer related matter is sent to members as and when appropriate. If you receive SingerFlash you have opted-in by request to the Club or by completing the necessary part of the online registration form.

  2. SingerFlash utilises a part of the system and requires the SOC’s SingerFlash operators to have access to the email addresses of those members registered to receive SingerFlash.

  3. You can opt-out of SingerFlash at any time by changing the setting on your registration page or by notifying the Secretary or Membership Secretaries or clicking the opt-out link of any SingerFlash.

4. Website

  1. The SOC’s website uses ‘cookies’ a small piece of information stored by your browser on your computer. This helps us to improve our service to you especially if you purchase items from the Club’s online shop. Cookies can be turned off but if you do so it may limit the service that the Club is able to provide.

  2. When purchasing items from the SOC’s online shop all the personal information you provide is processed by PayPal be it when paying by PayPal or credit card. The Club does not see or have access to or retain any of the banking or credit/debit card details you provide. The detail of the items you order and the delivery address is notified to the Club via PayPal to enable the Club to process your order. This information is retained by the Club for the appropriate accounting period and then deleted.

16 May 2018